What is end-grain wood?


End grain wood is cut across the grain as opposed to commonly used wood cut longitudinal. The annual rings can be seen as circles on the wood surface.

When using sharp blades, the removal of wood fibers can be avoided, and contamination of food can be prevented. This means that the durable end grain wood is perfect for providing our cutting boards with a solid working area.

Wood is a natural product. The unique character of each our boards originate from the differences in color and structure, connations, irregularities, small knots as well as hairline and cross cracks.

  In our “Augenweide” workshop we therefore work individually with the respective characteristics of the different woods. This way, we create our unique pieces in many labor-intensive steps, which are treated several times with food-safe oil and beeswax before delivery.


Why is end-grain wood so durable?



The wood fibers in the end grain areas are perpendicular to the load and pull apart and contract easily. This means the surfaces of our boards can withstand many times more pressure.


Our different types of wood

Sycamore Maple

The sycamore maple is native to Europe and Western Asia. In Central Europe it is the most common maple species. The wood is hard and easy to work.



The oak is native to most of Europe.

It is known for the long-lasting strength of its heartwood. The heavy, hard wood is also very resistant to moisture.



Wild cherry

The natural range of the wild cherry extends over large parts of Europe to the Near East and North Africa.
The reddish wood is very valuable. A darker core can be distinguished from a lighter sapwood.

The reddish wood is very valuable. A darker core can be distinguished from a lighter sapwood.



"Queen of the kitchen"


The distribution of the walnut tree is in the eastern Mediterranean, the Balkan Peninsula and the Near and Middle Asia.

In the Himalayas it even grows up to altitudes of around 3300 meters. Most European walnut trees grow in France.



In the last century the hornbeam was even more widespread in German forests. The hornbeam was also called ironwood because it has very hard and dense wood.

Sweet Chestnut

In Southern and Western Europe it is not only cultivated as a supplier of wood, but also because of its edible fruits. The wood of the sweet chestnut has a warm, golden brown color.



Sapeli or Sapelli named, is widespread in tropical Africa. Sapeli mahogany comes not from the mahogany tree, but is a separate type of wood, which only reminds quality and appearance of the real mahogany wood. The Sapelli wood is medium hard and can therefore be easily worked and is very easy to polish.

We use used church benches made of Sapelli wood.



The Wenge tree grows mainly in West Africa, Cameroon and Tanzania.

Only the wood of the species 'Millettia laurentii' is traded as wenge.

The freshly cut heartwood is light brown-yellowish and then darkens to black-brown when exposed to daylight.

Despite its hardness, wenge can be easily processed with appropriate mechanical effort.




Unique handicrafts from end-grain wood